Communicators need to pay attention to Artificial Intelligence not only because it is all around us, but because it’s the key to personalization, the most important marketing trend in 2018, says Wendy Glavin in the latest Communicators to Commmunicators (C2C) 3-Minute Insights Video.

Glavin, CEO of Wendy Glavin Agency, highlights ways in which companies are using AI and how communicators and marketers need to leverage it to deliver customized messages to their audiences. She also shares lessons from her communications practice that are key to telling AI stories.
Watch the video:
The takeaways apply to all media engagement. Content needs to be educational, newsworthy, revelant and topical. It's important to research reporters, follow them on social media and know that they are writing about.
At the end of our conversation she highlights one key insight that will resonate with corporate communications and public relations professionals working to get their message across with the media: “Don’t pitch. Add Value.”
Click here to read Wendy Glavin’s Agency profile on CommunicationsMatch
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