Wearing masks in public will save lives. It’s time to step up, overcome egos and vanity, and wear them. Let’s lead from the front. Join me in in posting pictures with the hashtag #MaskedCommunicators.
This is serious. But, let’s try to have fun to help break through mask phobia and make a difference.
Coming soon will be a a new article I have written on www.commpro.biz that looks at the behavioral aspects of wearing masks.
Simon Erskine Locke is the founder & CEO of CommunicationsMatch™, which offers search tools and services to help companies find, shortlist, and hire agencies, consultants, and freelancers, and help agencies and professionals generate new business leads. During the coronavirus pandemic, CommunicationsMatch is leveraging its resources to help connect struggling not-for-profits and companies with Communications Volunteers willing to give their time to help others at no cost or discounted services. It is offering access to MDLIVE as well as additional time and discounts on membership plans. Find out more here.