
Building Employee Engagement with Communications: Denise Graziano

Engaged employees are far more likely to recommend their companies, work beyond what is expected of them, and suggest improvements.

The Role of Communications in Building Employee Engagement

In the latest CommunicationsMatch™ Communicators-to-Communicators 3-Minute Insights Video, Denise Graziano, CEO of Graziano Associates, LLC, discusses the role of communications in building employee engagement. Graziano Associates specializes in client and employee experiences.

Employee Engagement Denise Graziano

Connecting Emotion and Purpose 

Graziano notes that all employees want to feel they are making an impact and are part of a bigger purpose. When emotion is tied to that purpose it invigorates employees’ commitment to delivering consistent results.       

External Communications Key to Building Brands and Morale  

Recognizing the value and importance of internal communications, she suggests companies may not fully realize the impact external communications can have on employee engagement. She argues that a strong brand has a huge impact on morale. 

When it comes to recruiting, this is particularly important. “Today’s top talent is not looking for companies, [companies] have to go out and look for them. This includes branding videos and recruiting in different places.”

The benefit? Graziano cites a recent study of Fortune 500 companies in which companies that excelled in recruiting marketing outperformed competitors by 62%.

CEO Communications Must Be Consistent and Authentic

Successful CEOs realize that without dedicated employees they cannot serve customers. They know they need to show they value employees and communicate with them on a consistent and authentic level. She adds, “Companies with strong leaders know it is not a 'set it and forget it' approach. They have to be available, visible, and encourage middle managers to do the same.”

Watch the video:



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