PR Insights Blog

In a new article for CommPRO, I argue we need to ask why the Rooney Rule has not succeeded in the NFL and learn its lessons for diversity. In perhaps a jarring conclusion, I note: “We need our industry ‘owners,’ in agencies, C-suites, corporate communications and marketing departments, to learn from the NFL’s failures, or risk becoming the story."
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
Today’s freelancers and communications pros have a huge opportunity for visibility without wasting half their billable time hustling business and putting out time-consuming bids and without having to share their profits, thanks to CommunicationsMatch.
by Shadra Bruce, President, DaSh factor LLC
CommunicationsMatch has partnered with Capitol Communicator, the leading advertising, marketing and public relations-focused news, events and services platform in the greater Washington, DC area. Capitol Communicators' new 'Sourcebook' search, shortlisting and RFP tools are powered by CommunicationsMatch. The relationship provides regionally-focused agency, professional and resources search and hiring tools to its network, and benefits from existing search traffic through the CommunicationsMatch platform.
by Editor, Senior, CommunicationsMatch
In a new article for CommPRO, "It’s a Meme (Mad) World – Fears & Tears," I argue that we are living in a meme world with consequences for communicators and the companies they advise.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
In a new article for, I make the case for turning the idea of allyship on its head. I argue that as a communications leader, it is my responsibility to earn the allyship of my African American colleagues in the industry, as well as other members of diverse communities. Being an ally should require work – but the onus should not just be on diverse professionals.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
CommunicationsMatch™’s search tools help corporate communications and marketing professionals find agencies, consultants, and freelancers that match their needs, using a qualifications-based search, shortlisting, and hiring process.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
CommunicationsMatch is not just for agency search. For clients and agencies seeking freelancers with PR and communications expertise, it’s a valuable resource. Client organizations and agencies looking for help with projects and long-term assignments can find individuals with the expertise that match their needs – from media outreach, writing, and internal communications, to website and design support.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
Technology startups, local businesses, national brands, and global financial institutions are just some of the clients using CommunicationsMatch™ and PRSA's Find a Firm (powered by CommunicationsMatch) to find agencies, consultants, and freelancers. Make a Find a Firm profile part of your 2022 new business planning. Profiles are searchable through and, and starting in 2022, on additional industry platforms.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
A new CommPRO article highlights CommunicationsMatch™ coaching & development partner Ken Jacobs’ take on PR & the Great Resignation. Jacobs, PCC, CPC, principal of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, discusses the importance of purpose in keeping people, in the latest Communicators-to-Communicators zoom interview.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
Public relations is a relationship business. Local market knowledge and relationships matter. No matter how strong your company’s story, the coverage you may be able to generate in national or trade media by getting into the Boston Business Journal, The Seattle Times, or the Des Moines Register, requires PR professionals who know the journalists and understand what will resonate with them.
by Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO, CommunicationsMatch
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