
Research in the Coronavirus Pandemic: Researchscape CRO – Different Approaches & Empathy Key

Research in a crisis is key to understanding audiences, as Jeffrey Henning, chief research officer of Researchscape, CommunicationsMatch’s research partner, notes in a new article for Market Research Institute International. Click here.

Research During Coronavirus

Why?  “A common problem is that we humans don’t know ourselves as well as we think, and we often rationalize what we already decided intuitively,” he writes.

When making decisions about how audiences are responding to the current crisis, developing strategies to address demand, or testing messages about closures and layoffs, good research provides a foundation for informed decision making.


Public Relations Research

In a fast-moving crisis, it is important that research can be conducted quickly and cost efficiently. Researchscape’s highly-automated research process provides clients the ability to go from fielding a survey with nationally representative panels to AI-generated results presentations in 24-hours. The company also offers customized surveys for specific audiences. Click here to find out more.     

Henning highlights that conducting research during the coronavirus pandemic is different. It’s not just that qualitative in-person interviews are not possible, it’s important for researchers to be able to empathize with participants and businesses trying to solve specific problems. “Now, more than ever, that empathy must be nurtured, and expertise in the understanding of human nature applied in the questions asked.”

Read Henning’s article for more perspective on how to conduct research during this crisis here.  Contact Researchscape here.


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