Issues management is one of the most significant strategic tools in the communications arsenal, says Ivy Cohen President & CEO of Ivy Cohen Corporate Communications in this latest Communicators-to-Communicators 3-minute insights video.

Issues management is both about identifying opportunities for companies and anticipating vulnerabilities, she adds. It’s about ensuring that companies have the relationships, policies and practices needed for companies to be successful.
In the video she notes that while issues management provides the ability to anticipate crises, it is a discipline unto itself. And although companies have limited control around certain issues, these issues may present opportunities for brand building.
Cohen highlights that the key to a successful issues management program is senior executive buy in. In addition, she emphasizes the importance of collaboration across a company’s disciplines.
In conclusion, she discusses the critical role of informing, educating, and engaging employees to give them the tools they need to be brand ambassadors. Click to watch the video.
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